Middle East News

Hezbollah Recruiting Children as Young as Eight as Its Next Generation of Terrorists

May 04, 2015

04-05-2015: Hezbollah has begun recruiting children as young as eight to join the Mahdi Scouts, which prepares boys to become armed jihadists when they grow up. The scouts number some 50,000 members ranging in age from 8 to 18 and has branches in areas such as Beirut and south Lebanon, according to the Lebanese newspaper Al-Janubiya.

Syrian regime killed my father: Jumblatt to STL

May 04, 2015

Lebanon, 05-04-2015: Taking the stand at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Monday, MP Walid Jumblatt told the court that he was convinced the Syrian regime was behind the 1977 assassination of his father.

“It is the Syrian regime that assassinated Kamal Jumblatt,” the Progressive Socialist Party chief told the The Hague-based court. Jumblatt said that he has judicial evidence that supports this conclusion.

Khamenei’s secret plans to occupy Sanaa and take over Yemen

May 04, 2015

According to reports that have recently reached the Iranian Resistance, last June, Khamenei ordered the terrorist Qods Force (QF) to speed up the plan for occupation of Sanaa and to control Yemen by the Houthis. This measure followed the escalation of the crisis in Iraq and the occupation of large swathes of that country by ISIS and the establishment of an international coalition in this respect. Khamenei had stated that since the U.S. is preoccupied with ISIS and Iraq, as well as the nuclear talks, it is prone to overlook the Iranian regime’s intervention in Yemen, the reports said.

Is Hezbollah running out of men to fight Iran's battles?

May 02, 2015

02-05-2015: According to media reports the badly-overstretched Hezbollah may be resorting to using child soldiers to compensate for growing losses in the many battles it is currently engaged in.

The use of child soldiers, even in auxiliary roles, underlines the extent to which the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group is being stretched in its unprecedented deployment throughout the Middle East as part of the spearhead of Iran’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy.

UN report: Iran arming Houthis since 2009 .

May 02, 2015

A United Nations report revealed that Iran has been arming the Houthis since 2009, confirming accusations made by Arab and Western countries against Tehran regarding its support of the Houthis who have been in control of Yemeni state institutions since last September.

The details were revealed in an UN report by a panel of experts was presented to the Security Council's Iran Sanctions Committee at a time when the UN is seeking to broker a return to peace talks.

This map proves that Iran doesn't really want to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria

May 01, 2015

Iraq and Syria no longer exist.

By now, the world has gotten used to maps showing how ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Free Syrian Army, the Assad regime, the Baghdad government, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Sunni tribes, Iranian-backed militia groups, and various other actors have filled the vacuum in the countries still officially known as Iraq and Syria.

Iran says warships at entrance to key Yemen strait

Apr 30, 2015

#Iran, 30-04-2015: 'Iranian destroyers, sent to the Gulf of Aden to protect commercial ships, have reached the entrance of Bab el-Mandab, a strategic strait between Yemen and Djibouti, Iran's navy said Thursday.

In another sign of tensions between Gulf rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, the Saudi charge d'affaires was summoned to the foreign ministry in Tehran to hear a "strong protest" over Saudi military action which prevented an Iranian plane from landing in Sanaa.
