Germany withdraws asylum from Assad propagandist, AfD employee Kevork Almassian, intends to repatriate him to Syria: report

Germany intends to deport Assad propagandist, AfD employee Kevork Almassian back to Syria: report
Several media and human rights activists have confirmed a report from Germany’s Die Welt newspaper that the German Federal Ministry of Immigration and Refugees intends to withdraw asylum from Kevork Almassian, an Assad propagandist from Aleppo, now employed an MP of the Assad-allied neo-nazi AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) party.
After reexamining his case, the ministry reportedly decided that Almassian does not fulfil the criteria for asylum, facing no danger of persecution by Assad’s regime for which he is a tireless propagandist, and therefore intends to repatriate him to Syria.
Within days of his arrival in Germany in 2015, Almassian, a Syrian Armenian from Aleppo, was pictured in the photo above (on the right) drinking beer with Markus Frohnmaier, an AfD activist. Almassian subsequently got a job working for Frohnamaier who has since become an AfD MP.
Although the AfD’s leadership attempt to distance themselves from their more overtly neo-nazi followers, this is primarily a PR exercise; the party’s members have been involved in a number of terror attacks on immigrants, refugees and liberal politicians in Germany, with police recently cracking down on the party following the discovery of a gun-running operation involving its members.
The Regional Director of the European Arab Organization for Human Rights, Muhammad Kazem Hindawi, told Syrian news site SY24, “We received this decision gratefully, and we were among the first to demand that people such as Almassian be investigated, knowing that Germany, as a state of law, would certainly work to open an investigation into his case. This person who supports the regime, not only supported Assad, but acted as a shabih [plainclothes operative/spy/thug for the Assad regime] monitoring Syrians, and as a supporter of a racist party.”
Hindawi added, "Things may drag on for a little while, but I assure you that the supporters of the Assad regime will not enjoy their residency in Europe, and even asylum will be withdrawn and even their [European nations’] nationality will be withdrawn if they pose a danger."
SY24 also reported that human rights defender Michel Shammas wrote on his Facebook account, “Kevork Al-Masian, the Syrian refugee who supports and defends Assad's crimes and is a member of the extremist German Alternative Party, is threatened with deportation to Assad’s bosom.”
Who is Almassian?
- He studied International Relations and Diplomacy at the Qalamoun Private University in Damascus.
He is a proud supporter of the Syrian regime, living in Germany since 2015 for economic reasons, rather than because his life is in any danger.
SY24 cited a number of Syrian activists as reporting that Almassian is widely believed to be a Syrian intelligence envoy deployed by the regime to Germany with the mission of trying to undermine, slander and question the goals of the Syrian opposition and refugees who fled to the country; at a recent AfD conference, Almassian claimed falsely that 5 million Syrians had come to Germany, with most being Muslims who he warned are incapable of integrating into German society (a favourite claim of the European far-right).
According to the same sources, “Almassian considers that the Assad regime is a legitimate and legal regime that rules Syria, and that the demonstrations against Assad were contrived from the beginning.”
While thousands of Syrians were granted asylum in Germany for fleeing the regime's daily bombing and shelling of opposition areas, Almassian openly admitted that he traveled to Europe for economic reasons. Interviewed by, he revealed that he had flown to Switzerland to attend a conference, after which he traveled onwards to Germany. Unable to convert a business visa into a residence permit, he instead applied for asylum.
"It was safe in Switzerland. But I had to choose between Germany, Sweden, Netherlands," he told
"I believe the system that exists in Germany and the pattern of life, it suits me," he added.
Last August, the Arab European Organization for Human Rights confirmed the presence of a large number of Syrian war criminals in Germany and throughout Europe, pointing out that these criminals are now resorting to concealing any information or pictures related to their past during their participation in crimes committed on behalf of the Assad regime.
Germany recently announced a potentially controversial decision to deport some Syrian refugees from its territory, repatriating them to Syria, with several human rights and humanitarian organizations rejecting this decision over fears that many may face persecution, torture, murder and ‘disappearance’ at the hands of the Assad regime if forcibly returned.
The German Interior Ministry announced that the general ban on deporting Syrians would end at the beginning of next year 2021, if they are considered to be a threat to German security or believed to be pursuing terrorist objectives or otherwise threatening the German state and people.